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Frequently Asked Questions

No. Junior Hockey Advisor is an educational tool.
Excellent question. You have proven you are serious about advancement by hiring an advisor. We only enhance the message from your advisor and provide information that will help you define and strengthen your advisor relationship. Remember we provide training to advisors as well as hockey families.
Yes. Our educational products provide plenty of content and clarity for families that choose to manage their own careers without outside assistance. We also provide planning strategies that work well with and with out outside advice.

I wish more advisors would ask that question. We provide a thorough and detailed understanding of the youth, junior and college markets. No matter you playing level, a new advisor usually focuses on areas that he/she know and understand. We make sure all of our students have a firm grasp of all directions a player could potentially travel. We also provide coursework on:

  • Player movement trends.
  • Complete social media and online resource building.
  • Scheduling and planning to insure you are where the action is taking place.
  • Personal marketing strategies to attract players to your brand.
  • Networking Strategies on building quality relationships with youth, junior and college coaches that both feed your pipeline and advance your players.
Yes. The more knowledge a youth coach has on the advancement process, the more value he/she brings to the player, family, team and organization.

Congrats on playing pro hockey. To get to the level you obtained, there was a pathway unique to your circumstances. There is a good chance your player will travel a different path to professional hockey. Over the years I have found that some of the people needing the most information were former pro players. We can be a tool in providing answers to where to play.

It is never too early to learn to navigate the hockey world. Our courses help guide you through the pitfalls many make at younger ages. Short term planning is just as important as long term planning and we provide tools that help both.
Players entering the junior age bracket may actually benefit the most from our courses. When time is a factor, making the right decision is very important. Junior Hockey Advisor is here for you.

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